Define courage in your own terms. What is an example of a time when being courageous worked out in your favor? What does courage look like for you today?
Are you allowed to make mistakes? Where does the pressure come from to NOT make mistakes? How does the source of this pressure change how you think about it? How you deal with it? What is your experience when you make a mistake? How do you cope with the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that come…
What makes you feel heard? Seen? Understood? Do you need to communicate this insight to the important people in your life? Why? Why not? What to you take pride in regarding how you communicate? What feedback have others given you about how you communicate? What circumstances lead you to stop communicating with someone? How does…
Consider your values and beliefs. With those in mind, how would you define your life’s purpose? What experiences align with this purpose? Which do not? How does your purpose impact your choices?
adjective Without over-thinking it, what makes you special? What is it about your personality, character, views, experience, skills, etc that is “different from what is usual”? What makes you feel special? How can you use this insight to improve your daily experience?
What are you currently “what if”-ing? Consider the most impactful or bothersome topics that you find yourself thinking about and answer these questions. Is this a valid topic that I need to spend time working out? Where is my power as it relates to this topic? What is outside of my control? Do I find…
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